Eugenie Blog

Monday, February 4, 2008

5 Sure-Fire Boosts to Your Online Money-Making Success

Ok, youve purchased one of those money-maker products and its giving you all sorts of ideas for making money online. Now what?

Although its possible to generate Internet income without a website, youll eventually want one or even several so you can get listed in search results. But dont forget, search engines love to send visitors to content-rich websites, so youll want to cram your sites with useful information. Heres how it works Good content impresses your visitors, who are then coaxed into buying.

What can you do to boost your fledgling online business? Study and learn, and then keep studying and learning! I know it sounds like work, but competition on the Internet is fierce and soon only the very knowledgeable will succeed. You can make yourself one of the success stories.

Heres how to build a website business that will put more online cash in your pocket.

Step 1: Buy a product that includes a free, starter website.

Some money-making products offer a free website after you purchase the package. Its a great start for your Internet empire, so take advantage of the offer.

Recommended: Adwords Miracle, The Ultimate Wealth Package, The Rich Jerk.

Step 2: Use Adwords ads to get traffic to your website in a hurry.

Check out books from the library or book stores to get familiar with Google Adwords (that's the name of Google's pay-per-click (PPC) ad program). These ads appear in the Sponsored Links area, to the right of web search results.

How does Adwords work? You pick targeted keywords and write a brief ad to entice your visitors to click. Its the quickest way to get traffic to your website, but it will cost you. You bid on the keywords you want your ad to be listed for and pay the bid price each time a visitor clicks on your ad.

Recommended: If you have the money, buy at least one information product that teaches the basics of PPC advertising and gives you some insight into the techniques professional marketers use. Two excellent products are Adwords Miracle and Beating Adwords.

Step 3: Learn some HTML and put Adsense ads on your websites.

You will want to adjust and adapt your websites to add more income-producing content. For example, Google has a free program called Adsense where you place Google Adwords ads on your web pages. Google gives you the instructions making it easy to place Adsense ads on your web pages, as long as you know basic HTML.

Adsense ads are matched to the content on your pages so theyre relevant to your website and of interest to your visitors. If someone clicks on an Adsense ad from your website you get credit for the click at approximately 50% of the per-click cost the ad owner pays Google.

Heres the benefit of Adsense: if your visitors arent ready to buy the products on your website, they may want to click on a relevant Adsense ad instead. If they do, you get some income to offset the cost of any Adwords ad they clicked to get to your site in the first place. In fact, some people actually make a living from Adsense revenue. You could be one of them!

Recommended: Your public library has books and CD-ROMs that can train you in basic HTML. If you prefer online instruction, try the free courses at W3Schools: ( For Adsense information: (

Step 4: Become fluent in SEO (Search Engine Optimization.)

This is a fancy phrase that simply means adjusting the content and some of the HTML to make your websites more appealing to search engines, like Google, Yahoo and MSN. Search engines look for keyword-rich content and certain HTML tags to determine the topic of your site. The more search engine friendly you make your website, the higher you will appear in the search results. But why bother, if youre forking-out cash to have Adwords ads send traffic to your site?

Consider this Statistics show that searchers trust and click normal search engine results more than Adwords ads. So, if you tweak your site a little bit you will eventually get FREE search placement. Instead of clicking on one of your expensive Adwords ads, a prospective customer will see your website listed in the general search results and click there instead. That, my friend, is a NO COST click! Well worth a little study and some massaging of your website content and HTML.

Recommended: SitePro News. Sign up for their free newsletter about site promotion and search engine optimization at This is a quality site that wont spam you.

Step 5: Repeat, then repeat again.

Once youve mastered the above strategies, you simply create more websites using what youve learned. Check the money-making product you originally bought for ideas for website topics and products to sell.

Your Strategy Summary.

Ok, lets review how the whole process works. Heres what you do:

(1) Buy a money-making product with a free website that jump-starts your online business.
(2) Use Adwords to generate quick traffic to your website.
(3) Put Adsense ads on your site to offset your Adwords costs.
(4) Tweak your HTML and website content to improve your search engine placement and visitor interest.
(5) Create more websites using the free site as a template and duplicate your success, over and over again.

Thats how money is made on the Internet. Theres no real trick to it, you simply go from one successful website to another, earning a little money from each one. With some study and a certain amount of work, youll eventually own a website empire that generates enough cash for you to make a comfortable online living.

Tom Thomas is an Internet marketer who reviews the best money-making products, domain name registrars, website hosting companies and online marketing tools. See his reviews at http://BestMoneyMakersGuide.comEudes Blog14124
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