Eugenie Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Heliskiing and Cat Skiing for Novices

This article is directed to all skiers who have either an unsatisfied craving for powder skiing or who want to become powder skiers. Backcountry skiing may provide your Nirvana. Prior experience is not required and there is lots of opportunity for intermediate skiers!

Is backcountry skiing for me? Can I do it? Is it safe? We'll speak to your fears and help answer your questions. Perhaps backcountry skiing is the answer to your prayers. Perhaps it is very much for you and you can easily do it. Perhaps it is really quite safe, at least relative to what you already do in life. Read on and find out.

There are thousands of powder skiing enthusiasts around the world who spend their winters waiting patiently for the next "dump", that rare event that deposits more light fresh snow overnight than the groomers can beat down before the lift opens. These patient folk range from intermediate skiers through experts but, irrespective of ability, they all share a love for making first tracks in fresh snow and the only thing that separates them is just how "steep and deep" they like it.

By opening time on those rare "powder days", the lineup at the chairlift can be so long that all the ungroomed runs will be entirely skied out before late arrivals even get on the lift. All over town, employees are phoning in "sick". For the early-birds, there is rarely more than a couple of good runs to be had in "great" untracked snow. It's really not a very encouraging picture!

What's the alternative? How can one get at least a few days a year of really good powder skiing? One choice might be a trip to Utah*(see note below), where "powder days" might be more frequent. However, it's still a horserace to the best snow and by mid-day things are getting a little worn out. Perhaps a better option is to head for the backcountry and its limitless reaches of deep untracked snow.

Some folks have the fitness, training, knowledge, equipment and the time to head for the hills on touring skis, or on downhill skis fitted with heel-release bindings. However, even that involves a heck of a lot of walking and not all that much powder skiing. Also, out-of-bounds skiing is certainly not for everyone that happens to be a fervent "powder hound". Most skiers just don't have the knowledge and experience to be safe in the backcountry, nor do they have the equipment.

The alternatives that really satisfy a "powder lust" are heliskiing and cat skiing. These activities provide a reliable means by which average intermediate and expert skiers can "ski their legs off" and to enjoy lots great powder skiing in deep light snow. Every day, all day long, almost every turn is made in fresh untracked snow. By the end of each day, intermediate skier and expert alike can expect to have very few turns left in them.

There is no question that heliskiing and cat skiing are relatively expensive activities. However, cost varies widely depending on the service provided. At one extreme is a snowcat skiing day-trip that might provide three or four 1500 to 2000 ft descents in the best powder imaginable. At the other extreme is a full-service multi-day heliskiing tour based in a luxurious mountain lodge where ski groups might comprise only 4 to 6 people. In between is a wide range of service with an equally wide price range. Only you can evaluate what a day or a week of great powder skiing is worth to you, what you can afford and which of the many options best meets your needs.

If you could consider a vacation in Mexico or Bermuda or Hawaii or southern France (depending on where you live) then you may well be able to afford a very nice multi-day, fully-guided backcountry ski trip. However, beware that backcountry skiing is highly addictive.

There are over two dozen heliskiing companies and about 16 cat skiing companies in western Canada alone. Most of them are doing quite well, and enjoy good bookings. By and large, these operators rely on intermediate skiers to keep their doors open. The barrier to mechanized backcountry skiing is much more a monetary issue than an issue of skiing prowess, age, fitness and backcountry experience, especially in the case of heliskiing.

Heliskiing and cat skiing do not require any backcountry experience or special equipment. None at all! You don't even need powder skis, just boots and clothing. The operator will supply skis that are well suited for his local conditions. The operator will also supply safety equipment and provide training and experience in its use. The guides handle all the rest.

Age offers no barrier to backcountry skiing. Heli and cat ski operators welcome male and female clients of age ranging from the 20's well into the 80's. Consider that the folks who can afford a high-end heliskiing trip tend not to be "young bucks" who spend their days in the gym and delight in throwing themselves off cliffs. They tend to be more "mature" folk who drive a desk all year and may not be particularly fit, or they may be retirees.

If you can ski almost everything in your local ski area, you probably have more than enough skill to handle backcountry skiing. Style is not important, just a reasonable level of skill and fitness. For heliskiing in particular, you should be able to ski for a day and still be able to walk.

The Web site of Purcell Heliskiing states that, "Skiers should be able to ski groomed blue runs confidently and be physically fit in order to get the most out of their heli-ski adventure". Purcell Helicopters also recommends that, "Snowboarders need to be advanced and able to board at higher speeds comfortably to get the most out of the deep powder conditions".

Powder skiing in the backcountry alpine can be easier than in the local ski resort, because the snow is generally unbroken, light and very consistent. There are no buried moguls to knock you about, or old ski tracks to cross or lumps of piled-up snow to contend with. It does not take long to "get the hang of it". You might encounter some wind crust or sun crust, but your guide will work very hard to avoid it. With heliskiing in particular, your guide will have many options for finding areas of great snow.

Your guide is a real pro! He (or she) is there, not to get some "turns" for himself, but to help you have the greatest ski day of your life. Your guide will select terrain that suits your ability and keeps you safe. However, he/she may challenge you to expand you horizons and improve your skiing.

Your heliski or cat ski operator will attempt to assemble ski groups that are as well matched in ability as possible and your guide will select terrain that suits the skill level of your group. Assembling well-matched groups is simplified when groups of friends book together. Many operators offer a discount to groups of particular size.

During your backcountry ski trip, your skiing will improve, possibly dramatically. The deep consistent snow will permit you to ski slopes that are steeper than you might normally attempt. Your guide will always be attentive to your concerns and can be trusted to find terrain in which you are safe. Some cat-skiing group organizers ski for free.

Tree skiing is a fixture of backcountry skiing. When the weather deteriorates, tree skiing provides the deepest, most protected snow and the best visibility. Some operators offer a predominance of tree skiing and many backcountry skiers prefer skiing the trees to skiing the open alpine slopes.

Generally, tree skiing in the backcountry quite different from tree skiing in your local ski resort. Again, the soft consistency of the snow and the absence of any old tracks and moguls makes all the difference. Also, in many areas, such as the Monashee and Selkirk Mountains of British Columbia, trees tend to be large and well spaced and the very deep snow cover buries most of the smaller trees and all of the underbrush. Many intermediate skiers who try tree skiing for the first time find that not only can they do it, but that they come to really enjoy it.

For a novice backcountry skier who is unsure about his or her ability, snowcat skiing offers a very forgiving introduction to backcountry skiing. The snowcat rides between runs are relatively long (15 to 20 min) and are very comfortable. There is lots of time to rest tired legs, to adjust clothing, to warm up or to cool down and to take on food and drink. The snowcat is dedicated to your group, so you can take along changes of clothing and you can always sit out a run and ride back down the hill, either in the comfort of the cab or "up front" with the driver. The cat is never terribly far from the lodge so, if you want to quit early for the day, a staff member will be happy to come on a snowmobile to take you back to the lodge. It's all very relaxed.

On the other side of the coin, groups of expert skiers will find that snowcat skiing can give them a lot of skiing, with some operators able to provide over 20,000 ft a day. Experts will find that they are plenty tired by the end of the day.

Heliskiing can also offer the individual an opportunity to quit early for the day, but not always and sometimes not at all (conveniently). Two or more groups usually share the helicopter, so while you are skiing, the machine is shuttling another group. Compared with cat skiing, trips are shorter and there is not the same opportunity to "rest and re-organize" and to take along changes of clothing.

However, the heliski guide will match the terrain to a groups ability. Often, if a rest is needed, a group can simply skip a run. Alternatively, the guide might use lower landings or higher pickups, in order to "cherry pick" the section of a run which is most suitable for his or her guests. In this way, guides can give novice skiers a comfortable environment in which to learn and progress.

Generally, the greatest concern in backcountry skiing relates to safety. All reputable heliskiing and cat skiing operators and guides take safety very, very seriously. The guides that lead you are well trained and their major purpose and focus is to keep you safe. Guides know their terrain very well, they constantly monitor snow conditions and they compare their findings and conclusions with fellow guides and backcountry operators in neighboring areas. They know what's going on with weather and snow conditions, not only in their own area, but for miles around.

Cat ski and heliski operators develop operating procedures and emergency and communications plans that cover every contingency and all staff are well versed in these plans and procedures. In western Canada, HeliCat Canada (formerly the British Columbia Heli and Snowcat Skiing Operators Association [BCHSSOA]) sets operating and safety policy and procedures for all operators and regularly inspects heliskiing and cat skiing operations to ensure safety standards are met.

The Canadian Avalanche Association (CAA) provides much technical training and support to the operators and to the guides and guides' associations. Among other things, the CAA co-ordinates daily delivery of early morning reports covering the entire Province of British Columbia. These reports are based on detailed daily reports from all backcountry operators, as well as government operators such as the Ministry of Highways and ski areas across the Province. These reports predict trends and conditions as changing weather patterns sweep across the Province. Similar provisions and support are provided in other jurisdictions where heliskiing and/or cat skiing is found.

Your heliski or cat ski operator will provide all clients with a transceiver that everyone wears when outside the lodge. The guides will provide training and practice in the use of the emergency equipment and in the on-hill safety procedures. Operators will also provide other safety equipment such as shovels and probes.

At any time, it is common for there to be areas within the ski terrain that at are entirely safe to ski, while other areas impose some degree of risk. There are many factors that affect snow stability and hazard, including the amount and type of precipitation, aspect (north-facing, east-facing, etc.), exposure to sun and wind and exposure to dangers above. Sometimes the issue is not one of snow stability, but one of finding the best skiing. Whatever the issue, safety is at the root of it and the guide's job is to navigate a safe route while finding the best possible skiing. When there is doubt about a particular slope, the guide will simply not ski the "line" in question and will opt for a safer alternative.

It's imperative to follow the guide's instructions. When the guide says, "Keep to the right of my track", there is usually a very good reason for it, one that many not be at all apparent. Then the guide stops to allow his troops to re-group, never ski below the guide's stopping point. He has probably chosen his stopping point for a good reason that you know nothing about. Trust your guide and follow his or her instructions. Your guide will keep you safe and lead you too the very best skiing around.

Many guides feel they are much safer doing their work in the high mountains than they are driving to and from work on our highways.

For a backcountry novice who is unsure about attempting a first heliskiing or cat skiing trip, a prudent approach is to arrange a ski trip to a ski area where there is a backcountry operator that offers day-trips. Try to pick an area to visit that has reliable weather and good snow at the time of your visit. Remember that heli and cat skiing is done at high elevations so, if it rained in town last night, it probably puked where you will be skiing. When checking out the local operators, ask about the access time to the first run, the current snow conditions, the number of runs that will be provided and the vertical drop that will be skied. Also, ask if there is good tree skiing in close proximity to the lodge. If it snows and the visibility drops, good tree skiing will be very important. Finally, if you have doubts about your ability or level of fitness, speak to a few operators and ask for their advice. Different operators provide different levels of skiing.

When looking for your first backcountry ski trip, shop around and talk to a number of operators. They will always work hard to give good advice and to help you choose the best venue for your skill and fitness level. Every operator will want you to become a backcountry skier, but no operator will want you in one of their groups, if you will be out of place and become a liability. If you are well placed for your first trip, you will be back next year, a much stronger and more skilled and confident backcountry skier. As we said, backcountry skiing is infectious. Some say, "It's better than sex".

Good luck.

A very experienced heliguide writes, "I think this (the Utah reference) is a myth. The interior BC has as many powder days if not more. Checking the snowfall and smowpack depth statstics breaks the myth. Interior BC has it. Also, the runs are longer in BC and there are far fewer people with less pressure on the land base. ie the fresh snow."

Lachlan BrownMarc Blog23253
Lucie Blog6941

Robosapien RS Media

Robosapien RS Media- Robots are taking the world by storm this Christmas!

Robosapien RS Media is a massively enhanced multimedia version of the Robosapien V2 with loads of extra features

Robots are taking the world by storm this Christmas and the Robosapien RS Media is the leader of the pack. Evolved from the Robosapien V2. He interacts with people and his environment, has sight, sound and touch sensors, speech response, can recognise colours and skin tones, has full IR vision and can even track moving objects. He sounds more human than some of the characters we know.

Of course it can now be completely customised to reflect what's going on in your feverish head! As the makers themselves say, it's the perfect fusion of cutting edge technology and personality modelling software. And even though that's a big statement, they're right. Its a bit like having a child that you can have complete control over..hold that thought! The robot plays MP3s, MPEG4s, and takes photos and videos as he interacts with his environment. He has a head-mounted camera, a colour LCD screen in his chest, a full speaker system embedded in his armour, 40 MB of internal memory, and an external memory card slot. You can control this guy with the hand controller or using the media controls embedded on his hands. You can play Java games, navigate the media menus, switch between his four personalities (RS Media, Service Bot 3000, Space Bot, and Billy-Joen Sapien) or create your own personality using the RS Media editing suite software.

Robosapien RS Media Features

Displays an image or MPEG video downloaded by the user onto the robot's removable SD memory sticks, on the LCD display.
Stores body movements with you as the puppet master...and you can edit those movements with the robot's accompanying BodyCon editing package.
You can record and store your voice into the robot's SD memory sticks which it can playback
It has a 320 by 160 colour LCD Screen - High Quality TFT 1.9" Screen, 16 bit colour, 176 x 132 pixels, which can show you what the robot is seeing through the head-mounted camera.
It has a cameramotion tracking, photo and MPEG4 encoding.
Speakers11 watts of power, 2 hand speakers and back-mounted woofer for playing back your downloaded music filesmakes a proper racket!
Sonic Sensor2 microphones for sound localisation, 1 microphone for MP3 recording.
Operating SystemLinux Embedded OS.
Memory40 MB Flash Memory.
Upgradeable MemorySD card slot up to 1 GB (SD card not included).
PC ConnectionUSB 1.1 (cable provided).
PC SoftwareFile manipulation; create scripts, Macro flowcharts, BodyCons and Personalities.
Batteries6 x "D" size batteries & 4 x "AA" size batteries (RS Media), 3 x "AA" size batteries (remote controller). Not included.

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Sarah HagueConstant Blog35394
Lari Blog99727

Refinance Medical Equipment to Offset Reductions in Medicare Payments

Healthcare providers, particularly those with a large mix of Medicare related transactions, are in for a cash and profit squeeze. Refinancing existing medical and office equipment leases can be a way to ease the pressure. According to AMA President Jeremy Lazarus, 45% of physicians in the American Medical Association plan to decrease or stop the acceptance of new Medicare beneficiaries if Congress does not act to stop a 5% decrease in Medicare payments. These payment reductions are scheduled to go into effect in 2007. According to Lazerus "Over the next nine years, Medicare will cut physician payments 37%, unless Congress acts before January 1, 2007", adding, "at the same time, the cost of caring for those patients will increase 22%, and that math just doesn't add up". The cuts, which would reduce payments by $2.8 billion over five years, are included in a 2006 deficit reduction package.

Should the projected cuts hold up, providers will need to become more operationally and financially efficient. One way to offset the decreased cash flow is to refinance equipment. Many providers are making very large monthly payments because they have opted to execute four or even three year leases. There are now medical equipment financing options available that can spread those payments out over a 96 month period. For example, a physician needed $500,000 of equipment to start his practice and signed a 48 lease. Payments on the lease, assuming an 8% interest rate, would be approximately $12,200 per month. If that equipment were refinanced at the beginning of year two, the balance would be approximately $380,000. Refinancing that balance over 96 months would result in payments of $5,400 per month, a cash savings of $6,800 per month or $81,600 per year.

The provider should carefully review the equipment being used to determine if he is a good candidate for long term refinancing or even buying new equipment for longer amortizations. If the medical equipment is likely to withstand an onslaught of technical advances, a refinancing could be the ticket to helping offset the specter of Medicare payment deductions.

Kent Harlan has been a CPA since 1984 and has provided consulting, accounting and financial services to several industries. He is the owner of Ozarks Capital Funding, LLC, a Springfield, MO based company offering financing in the areas of accounts receivable factoring, equipment leasing, asset based lending, and healthcare provider financing.Jean Pierre Blog1880
Laurent Blog92441

Finance Your Education with Nursing School Loans

Do not let financial setbacks hinder you to pursue your dream to study nursing. There are many nursing school loans available whether you are a graduating high school student who would like to start a nursing career or someone who is advancing your nursing education. There are nursing loans available even for those pursuing a Masters or Doctoral degree.

Every nursing school offers some type of financial service to their students. Many schools form partnerships with private financial institutions and participate in government-funded student loans to be able to grant nursing school loans. Ask the college or university where you intend to enroll about their nursing school loans programs and application requirements.

Many hospitals also offer nursing school loans and scholarships with the agreement that after graduation the student will serve in the institution for a specific period. Financial assistance is also available to individuals already employed in the hospital such as Licensed Practical Nurses who wish to further their education and become registered nurses.

Possibly the best source of nursing school loans is the government. The US Department of Educations Federal Student Aid has different loan programs that allow undergraduate and graduate students and even parents to secure educational funding directly from the government. These loans include Federal Stafford Loans, which are for students and Direct PLUS loans for parents of dependent undergraduates.

Private lenders also offer nursing school loans funded by the federal government through the Federal Family Education Loan Program or FFEL. Nursing schools that participate in the Federal Perkins Loans Program also offer students in great financial need with government-funded low-interest loans. In this program, the student borrower makes payments to the school.

In addition, the US Public Health Department offers grants and nursing school loans forgiveness programs to students in exchange for their service in remote or under-served locations after they graduate.

As you can see, there are many sources of nursing school loans. The best place to start looking is in your community and your local state. The Internet is a useful tool to help you in your search. There are even websites that can match you with a financial aid provider. Sometimes, you will need to obtain more than one loan to cover your total educational costs. The key here is persistence in researching and applying for these opportunities. Lastly, remember that a loan is borrowed money so you would want to make sure that you would be able to keep your end of the bargain.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Nursing Education web site. For more articles and resources on Nursing related topics, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nursing Education and much more visit his site at:Linell Blog9001
Estelle Blog70815

An Effective Marketing Tip Means Business

Is your business just coasting along? Has it been awhile since youve noticed a peak in sales? Are you looking for a way to increase business? An effective marketing tip could really make a positive difference in your business. There are many marketing ideas available to the entrepreneur. Finding one that works for you may require some research and perhaps even trial and error. No doubt with the right advice and venue, you can find a marketing tip that will result in business growth.

An effective marketing tip for one business may not work well for your business. The first step to take in determining what might work well for you is to figure out who your target audience is. For example, if you were promoting skin care, your target audience would likely be female. An effective marketing tip in this case would be to advertise in womens magazines, on the womens television network and any other venues that cater to the female population. Another great marketing tip in this scenario might be to set up a booth in a high traffic shopping area and provide complementary facials. Tradeshows are also great venues for promoting skin care. Either of these ideas used as a marketing tip could be quite beneficial and mean business.

Many individuals are taking advantage of the worldwide access provided by doing business online. Web site promotion is a marketing tip that has been increasing sales for many companies and businesses in recent years. Using web site promotion as a marketing tip requires some work and may mean the need to hire a professional web designer. However, if this marketing tip proves to be effective, the money spent would have been well worth it.

If looking for a marketing tip that might help your business, browsing the Internet for similar products or services may prove to be beneficial. Researching what other individuals are doing to attract business would provide you with prospective methods of marketing your product or service. If you see that a specific marketing strategy is having a positive impact on a similar business, it would certainly be worth implementing in your marketing plan. Nobody is ever happy when their business is taking a downward spiral. It would be so much nicer to see sales increase and business sky-rocket. An effective marketing tip could put you at the top of your game and make the competition sit up and take notice.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written many articles on business marketing. For more information checkout Blog75610
Kesley Blog87244

10 Building or Home Renovation Survival Tips

Building or the renovation of an existing home can be an extremely stressful experience.

So here are 10 quick tips to make the whole process easier

1. Think of the project as a new diet.

Who doesn't want to lose at least 2 kilos? This is one way to do it. Between running to stores all day and evening long, meeting with contractors, inspecting the work, searching the Sydney metro area for the perfect light fixture, who has time to eat? Provided you don't sabotage this new, unorthodox diet plan, with McDonalds drive through, you're good for losing two kilos. If you are a masochistic type who does some of the work yourself - whether it be painting, laying tile, landscaping the yard - you can count on another five to ten kilogrammes of weight loss. Just think, you may be miserable, frustrated, exhausted, nd down right cynical about the good of the humankind, but your jeans will fit nicely!

2. Write cheques as aerobic exercise.

These workouts are great for toning the wrist and fingers. Usually done in hectic spurts as you race out the door in the morning while the contractors are breathing down your neck and your kids are beating each other with the lunch boxes you just prepared, the stress and frantic activity are sure to raise your heartbeat for a good hour. Grumbling under your breath that the plumber, electrician, or you name it, isn't really worth this much money adds greater intensity and calorie burn to this little publicized exercise regime.

3. Save money through shopping burnout.

Yes, even the most die-hard shopper will come to dread setting foot in any store. This affliction starts innocently enough as you go to look for light fixtures. How hard can it be? Hard! Either the light you want is being shipped from Europe and won't arrive until your youngest child buys his own home, or you just can't find the one you want. You'll shop every lighting and electrical store you know. You'll search Home Depot. You'll haunt hardware stores. And then there's plumbing fixtures. Sink centers, tap handles, finishes, special orders. What's all that about? And the cost. You'd think you were outfitting the palace for a former third world dictator. Of course, there's carpet, tile, hardwood, stairs, and windows. Enough already. And you thought it was a pain picking mints and sweet table treats for your wedding!

After your 1000th trip to Bunnings (or Mitre 10 or whatever), in addition to all the other trips you've made for items that shouldn't count as shopping (toilet seats, for example), you've had it. Your friends won't be able to bribe you to check out the latest sale at Grace Bros. You'll think it will be better when you can pick out "fun" things like paint, wall paper, curtains, fabric, furniture - but don't bet on it. At this point, the pressure to make your home look like something other than an empty rat maze will counteract any joy in shopping. Spending this much money has never been such a miserable experience. As a result, when your home becomes half-way presentable, you'll refuse to shop again - even for groceries - for at least six months. The money you save during this shopping hiatus will be sufficient for you to resume this previously pleasurable past time once more without guilt.

4. Impress your friends with obscure facts.

Only someone that has built or remodeled their home can explain the fluid dynamics of a proper toilet water swirl. Or cite the Australian Building Code that calls for no more than 150mm between electrical outlets. Or brag that triple glazed windows are really the wave of the future for light emitting device technology. See what I mean?

5. Pride yourself on your new creative skills.

You'll discover a creative side that you never knew existed. Like how to wash dishes in the bath. And how to make a full course meal for a family of four using nothing more than a toaster and hot plate. Or how to fit an entire family in a house smaller than your first flat. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. That's probably true, but I also think that the only thing that separates modern and pioneer life is just one kitchen or bath remodeling project.

6. Yell at someone other than your kids - and not feel guilty.

Honestly, as a modern man trying to juggle the running of our homes, possibly a job, and the future Olympic soccer aspirations of our children, you have the primal need to yell. At someone. Anyone. Often our spouse and children suffer from this need of ours to release pent up negative energy generated from nothing more than some miniature human leaving smelly gym shoes on the kitchen table. (Ok, that probably deserves a bit of yelling - we eat at this table!) But when you remodel your house, you have a whole cast of characters - and believe me, they're characters - that often deserve a good scream from time to time. Like when they tell you that they tore out the fireplace because they didn't think it looked right. Or when they show you a mistake made three weeks ago that now requires half the house to be torn down in order to fix. Yelling isn't immature or a result of too many steroids, it's therapy.

7. Throw out all of your junk that you have gathered over the years. You know what I mean, all the space grabbers like the old wardrobes, execise eqipment gathering dust in your garage, clothes that haven't been worn for over two years. You'll be surprised at the reclaimed space that suddenly is available.

8. Grow closer to your family through forced bathroom sharing.

The saying goes that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Perhaps that wise pundit had to share a closet sized bathroom with three kids and a spouse. In reality, there's no greater way to create intimacy in a family than by all trying to get ready for the morning in the same tiny space. You'll learn new exciting things about your children - like toilet paper is purely optional for little boys. You'll discover that there is no bond quite like the one created when the entire family brushes their teeth together over the same sink. You'll realize why the older generation of your relatives only washed their hair once a week instead of facing communal bathroom time. But most importantly, you'll no longer need to yell at your kids to hurry up for school - they're standing right next to you.

9. Earn free flights from all of your purchases.

In what is admittedly (and somewhat sheepishly) the only practical survival tip on this list, get a Fly Buys credit card. Charge everything on it - lights, plumbing fixtures, windows, doors, lumber, carpet. The windows alone can get you close to one free trip. Whether you decide to share your miles with anyone else in the family or to escape on your own to a world of quiet solitude and, preferably, an open bar, is entirely up to you.

10. Hire some good looking female contractors and feel like you're 18 years old again. Who says Hooters are restricted to bars?

Finally, remember, the end result of your new house will be worth the aggravation of the process. Plus, think of all the good stories you can tell!

Joe Ovidi is a veteran of numerous home remodeling and building projects. Joe has been in the building and termite prevention game for over 20 years and has been involved in the entire spectrum of home improvement. He shares his home renovation tips, home building ideas, and other various topics.Marie Blog86250
Clement Blog24891

Finding The Right Piano Study Technique

Learning to play the piano can be trying at times. It doesn't matter if you are just starting out, or if you have played for years, sometimes it feels like you just aren't getting anywhere at all. And, no matter how long you sit and study and play the piano, you are bombarded with the old adage "Practice makes perfect". But, how can you study the piano if you aren't really sure what you're supposed to be doing? Well, every good piano player should know that studying the piano is more than just practicing. Studying the piano involves playing all different works to help your fingers continually train and stretch, reading through music and understanding every work before you master it, how long you can practice, and how well you can use your study time.

Every piano player needs to find the study technique(s) that will help them to learn better and faster, and usually it's trial and error that will point this out to you. Some piano instructors will help you find the right study technique by giving you several tips and ideas that helped them, while others will simply tell you to "go home and practice". But, if you are not playing correctly while you are practicing, you are simply defeating the whole purpose of practice. So, how do you know what to do when studying the piano?

Study Techniques To Help You Improve

While there are millions of ways to study the piano, there are some techniques that will always provide help to any player, new or old:

Make sure that your practice area is free of all distractions, such as the television, phone, loud music, and even other people if needed. Having a quiet place to read, study, and practice can help you more than anything while you are learning.

Read through your music or assignment. Every piano instructor will either assign you or show you some great practice suggestions for your study at home. There is a reason for these, and you should always do any practice pieces at home when you can.

Study and practice the piano every day. No matter if you can only set aside thirty minutes per day to study, you need to be sure that you are practicing each day. Once you have your study time down, you should continue to study at that same time, every day.

When you sit down to practice, make sure that the sheet music is easy for you to read and that you have enough light to see it. There is no need to strain your eyes or try to play something that you can't read.

When you are working on learning a long piece, don't try to cram it all in at one study session. You should break it up into smaller pieces and learn each of them in order so you will be prepared and ready to play the whole thing through.

As you break down each section in the piece, you should play through them slowly at first, making sure that each note, pitch, melody, tune, and rhythm is right and in the right spot. There is no need to study that piece if you play the same mistakes over and over. By practicing each work correctly, and slowly, for a few times, you're fingers will know where to go and what to do when they get there.

When you have a good study session, you should reward yourself by playing something that you already know and love after something new and hard. By playing something that you are already good at, you will bolster your self esteem and let you know that you are a good piano player, and practice will have you playing this new, hard piece in no time too.

You should take your teacher's suggestions and tips home with you. By using their advice, you will find all sorts of new avenues of study and play that you didn't know before. After all, it took them years of practice and study to get where they are, so they have done something right!

Find a musical dictionary. This will help you study your pieces the right way by telling you what each Italian term on your music means, such as Allegro vivace, so you don't get confused while practicing or playing. Knowing what the original composer meant and wanted that particular line to sound like will help you become a better player.

Experiment. Use different study techniques until you find some that work for you. Everyone has different ways of learning, whether it's by reading all about the piano and the work that you are trying to learn, or whether it's sitting down and playing it over and over until you get it right and can play it in your sleep, each different piano player will have to experiment to find that perfect study technique for them.

Listen, Learn, and Play

While you are in class, you should always listen to your piano instructor. This means that you should soak in everything you possibly can, from new techniques that you need to master to where the next good piano concert will be and when. By knowing new techniques that you can use, you will find that you'll be able to get these new techniques into your routine and help you on the road to becoming a better piano player. By attending some of the better piano concerts around your area, you will have time to study each different piano player and see how they play, read, study, and much more. When you are able to watch the better piano players, you will become better as well, as you should learn something from each different performance.

Once you have found a few new techniques for studying the piano, you can take them all home and try them out on your instrument. Make sure that you either memorize the techniques or that you write them down before you stop your practice for the day. By memorizing or writing down the new technique that you have learned that day, you are less likely to forget it the next morning.

Mandi Weems is an expert author for the new resource for piano players, Free Piano Sheet Music To view other great articles she has written, visit the Tutorials section at Free Piano Sheet Music.Janvier Blog30157
Coke Blog78246

How To Use Golf Training Aids To Get Your Alignment Dead On

If you hit the ball well, but suffer from consistency in your shot direction or shape, you may be suffering from alignment problems at address. This is an extremely important but very underrated factor in the golf swing, and most amateurs pay far too little attention to getting it right. Are your feet, hips, shoulders, and clubface aligned properly for each shot? Here's a short test that will help you find out:

First, are your feet lined up parallel to the target line? This one is easy. Just address the ball as if you were going to hit a shot, then put a longish iron on the ground so that the shaft touches both of your toes. Then take another iron and carefully line it up just behind the ball with the grip end of the shaft pointing toward the target.

Now, step back and see if the shaft by your feet is parallel with the shaft behind the ball. If the shaft points to the left (for right handers) then you will tend to swing on an outside to in swing path, which will predispose you to hitting pulls, fades, slices. If the shaft points to the right of parallel, then you will tend to push, hook, or draw.

Second, check your hips and shoulders. This is a little tougher. Leave the clubs from step 1 in place and address the ball again. Have a friend stand behind you and lay a club across your hips and shoulders to tell where they are lined up. If they are pointing left or right of parallel to the target line the same problems from step 1 apply.

Third, check your clubface. Believe it or not, this can be the toughest one. Tape a 12" plastic ruler or other straight object to the clubface and then address the ball normally. This will exaggerate any errors and tell you where you are aiming. If the clubface is aimed left of square (closed) you will tend to hook and if it is aimed right (open) you will tend to slice, depending on your grip and other factors in your swing.

Now, if the results of this test show that your alignment needs work, I suggest you check out some golf training aids that are designed to help you line up correctly. Several affordable training aids are available that really make practicing your alignment easy. Here are some tips for finding a golf training aid that will maximize your results.

1. Make sure the golf training aid is easily portable and easy to set up. If it's not convenient to use, you won't use it.

2. Get one that not only has a 'T' setup for aligning your feet and ball position, but also includes a mirror that will help you get your hips, shoulders, and head position right. Otherwise, why bother?

3. Use the golf training aid whenever you hit at the range, but make sure you practice without it as well. Hit 10 shots with, 10 without and alternate. Develop a feel for setting up square without the device, since you can't use it on the course.

If you get a good golf training aid and use it consistently, you should see rapid improvements in your direction and ball striking consistency. Good luck!

Mike Gelhaus, once racquetball professional and published author for Racquetball Magazine, has turned his attention back to the game of Golf. With the use of golf training aids, he achieved a handicap of 3 only weeks before back surgery. Check out his site at Blog92559
Lewis Blog38152

A Very Critical Step When Evaluating Commercial Real Estate Property

Commercial real estate operates very differently than residential property when it comes to assessing its value. There are more variables to examine, and often more legal conditions. This is where due diligence comes in you have to make certain not to overlook any details. Verify everything about your property. This includes doing research on local markets as well as local absorption rates. Get and verify information on the sales prices of comparable properties to make sure that you're getting a good deal.

In addition, it's vital to speak to local officials about the legal requirements of the area. If the zoning laws will not permit the use you have planned for the piece of commercial real estate, you could be up a creek without a paddle. Likewise, find out how long it will take to get the right clearances and paperwork through for that use. There are a number of different problems that might crop up over the course of time. These include environmental issues, failure to obtain all necessary permits, and lack of approvals for the intended use. Avoid these by checking and rechecking requirements for the piece of land.

Make sure that the property is what you're expecting. It might not be in the kind of condition you'd like, or the seller may have misrepresented it. Find out how much, if any, repair is needed to get the property operational. You may find that only some of the land you are buying is useful for your purpose. Verifying that you will have enough is very important.

Remember that due diligence begins when you start negotiating. Check with the seller to make sure that they are willing to agree to your terms. Many sellers will balk at a proper due diligence list, but most will eventually return to the bargaining table. A seller may not be comfortable allowing you to look at personal business related documents, but this is vital for making certain you have done everything correctly.

When you negotiate your contract, it's important to provide enough time to examine all the details and recheck your facts. Thirty days or more after the delivery of all necessary documents is common. One good thing to include in an agreement is a statement that you must specify in writing that due diligence is satisfactory and complete, or you will not be obligated and will be able to get your deposit returned. Requiring your written acceptance makes sure that you control the deal.

In addition to hiring professionals to inspect the building's physical condition, it's important to make sure you look over every document that concerns the property and the operation thereof. This means that you have to look at leases and all modifications of them, including extensions. Most leases have peculiar specifications included that the original owners may have forgotten about. This can include unexpected expenses or sources of income from a tenant, for example. You must examine mortgages, even if you are not assuming them.

If a certificate of occupancy, title or insurance policy, license, or tax receipt is involved, you need to request these from the seller. Likewise, look at all contracts with maintenance people, parking lot providers, and other service providers if you're not careful, you could find yourself bound to a contract you're not prepared to honor. Read every word of an official document, mark anything you have questions about, then have someone else do the same. Do this multiple times if necessary, to be sure that you have all the information on the property's legal obligations and terms.

Insurance documents can also provide a good deal of information, not just on the obligations of the property, but on the structures themselves. Insurance inspectors can provide their estimation of what may go wrong, and a claims history lets you know what has happened in the past, including a number of repairs. If the seller has recently changed insurance companies, consider it an increase in risk to you.

If your seller doesn't have all this information, you've gained the chance to bargain. A property that was a good bet has just become riskier. You can either back away, or, if you're prepared to take a chance, bring this up as a reason that you require a discount on the property's price. You may find that the seller is able to find the lost records suddenly, and if they can't, you get a better price.

Of course, at the end of the due diligence process, you will often find that you're missing some information. This is unavoidable. The most important thing is having enough information to present to investors, partners, and lenders so that an informed choice can be made. Performing due diligence permits you to mine that data which is so important to the success of a commercial real estate project. Without this kind of careful analysis, you could end up paying too much, or getting a property that's so entangled in legal problems it becomes useless. Due diligence is an important way to protect yourself when you make a commercial property deal. No one can ask all the questions that need answering, and sometimes those facts are nowhere to be found. However, you can certainly make headway. Protect yourself and your firm by verifying all pertinent information, then checking it twice.

Tony Seruga, Yolanda Seruga and Yolanda Bishop of specialize in commercial and investment real estate. As of May, 2006, they and their partners are managing over $600 million dollars worth of new projects.Kriste Blog22676
Edmond Blog49409

Which Tool to Use for Listening to Your Audio Books?

The beauty with audio books is that you have more than one option for listening to them.

For those of us who like to be given lots of options for doing certain things instead of being forced to adapt to just one choice, you definitely have lots of options for listening to your audio book.

If you are someone who likes listening while seated on your favorite couch or seated on your desk, listening to your audio book on your cassette tape player (if the audio book is in audiocassette format, of course) is the option for you.

But if you have a desktop or laptop computer, you might prefer listening to your audio book from here.

Most PCs have Digital Audio Players for playing audio books. If your PC doesn't have any (very unlikely), you can still download them completely free on the Internet. The 2 best digital audio players that you can download free from the Internet include:

RealOne Player: It can be downloaded from their website:-

Windows Media Player: It can also be downloaded from their website:-

But if you would rather listen to your audio book while doing your household chores, dancing, exercising, jogging, commuting to and from work, etc, then you would need portable audio playback devices that you can carry around and listen to, preferably with earphones.

With the ever expanding market of portable audio playback devices, it goes to show that more and more people are now using them, because of the wonderful benefits they provide.

The most common form of these portable audio playback devices are the normal audio CD players or CD-ROM devices. You can carry these around with you while you do your household chores, exercise, jog or commute to and from work.

The more advanced form of these portable audio playback devices for playing audio books, especially those for listening to downloadable audio books, include:

-- Audio-ready PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants). Some of these PDAs include Casio CASSIOPEIA and Compaq iPAQ. Both can be pretty expensive, costing as much as about $500 for the Compaq iPAQ and about $400 for the Casio CASSIOPEIA.

-- Compatible Portable Audio Players. Some of these include the Creative's NOMAD Jukebox 3 and the SONICblue's Rio 900. These are cheaper than PDAs. For example, you can get the SONICblue's Rio 900 for about $250 from sites such as

Finally, like I said at the start of this article, whatever tool you decide to use in listening to your audio books will depend largely on "how" you prefer listening to your audio books.

For example, for the "young and restless" teenagers they can't do without the PDAs. I bet you wouldn't too if you were their age, right? But for the "aged and rusty" who just prefer the ease of being seated on their favorite couch, nothing can be better than listening to their favorite audio books from their "good old" cassette tape player!

Juliette Lee is the editor and CEO of To find the best audio book titles, please visit Sell audio books from your website and make 20%.Audrey Blog18411
Aristide Blog5653

The Modernized & Convenient Way to Shop

Shopping is essential for everyone around the globe at some point in-time. Within the past decade, online shopping has made it possible to get just about any type of product conveniently shipped directly to buyers door step. Shopping online gives buyers the availability to shop twenty-four hours a day, seven-days a week.

Trends have changed overtime, but some may agree that shopping on the internet is one of the most convenient ways to shop. Online shopping has made it easy and convenient for many around the world. Its now convenient to shop around the globe with a computer and a few clicks of a button.

The rich and famous around the world that may not want or have nannies or butlers can surely enjoy the peace of shopping online without signing hundreds of autographs. Single moms of newborn babies and the everyday individual that detest standing in ridiculous lines now have the benefit of shopping online for just about any product on the market. Elderly people often have more trouble getting from shopping centers to grocery stores; transportation is usually not as readily available to them. Tedeschi (May, 2005) found that 42% of the elderly shopped on the internet. (outside of the elderly that had their children or grand children shop for them). Shopping on the internet is idea for individuals that are, for whatever reason, home bound or living in rural areas.

Taking under consideration the hustle of life in our current society, shopping online makes life a little less troublesome for everyone.

Another advantage to shopping online is the time and energy many can save and avoid sitting in bumper to bumper traffic. Online shopping has been made suitable for many on-the-go individuals and those that hate standing in crowded lines or sitting in large pools of traffic. Shopping on the internet can also help society save on gas with its fluctuating prices.

Buyers have the convenience of shopping online outside of normal business hours and cannot be affected by global time differences.

Shopping online from the comfort of home or office is not the only benefit, but buyers can save hundreds of dollars. Many companies that provide the option to shop online will propose higher discounts as well as a free gift with purchase. A number of companies that offer online shopping will ship products or merchandise out to buyers at no cost. Shopping online is, by far, the most convenient and stress free way to shop in our current society.

-All retailers on the Supplier of Demand site have a privacy/security link at the bottom of their page. Check url for https at time of check out (the s in https stands for secure.

Supplier of Demand has become one of the most popular websites to shop at with over twenty of the most known retailers in the industry. Supplier of demand offers products ranging from luxury items to arts and crafts, jewelry to home and garden, to apparels and electronics at:

Edward Pitts supply buyers with a variety of products from computers to office supplies, to health and dental insurance, jewelry to GMC sport nutrition and can get them shipped directly to buyers door step. Pitts has made it convenient for buyers to shop from the comfort of home or office ***1 Stop Shopping Plaza*** with over twenty of the top retailers in the industry at: or Blog69084
Lewis Blog38152

Visit The Supermarket Well Prepared

Have you ever examined your shopping cart when you last visited your local grocery store or supermarket without having eaten for hours? Probably the store's cashier did not pay attention to your huge food pile, but when you later returned home you discovered that at least one third of the things you bought were not needed. In fact, different researches have shown that when people visit their local supermarket after an exhausting day at work with their stomachs nearly empty, they tend to spend much more than their initial budget on foods that are considered neither necessary nor healthy. The only suggestion one could give to eager grocery shoppers is to plan ahead and eat something before visiting their nearest food resource.

Actually, people that have witnessed the effects of shopping while hungry suggest to others that their grocery shopping experience can become easier if they start by developing a healthy foods grocery list. It is always good to know what to purchase before entering the premises of your local food store. If you go prepared you lower the chances of wandering up and down the aisles in order to decide what you need to buy and thinking that you have to return home and prepare dinner as well. Impulsive buying of junk or processed food and excess quantities of food storage never lead to a happy ending when you decide to step on your weight meter. Thus, a healthy food grocery list will keep you focused on putting inside your grocery basket only the things you really need to buy and eating a light snack before setting off to the supermarket will save you from all that extra spending you will realize after reentering your house and looking at your bill's total.

The list you will create should contain vegetables and fruits that you need to eat on a daily basis. The vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and low-calorie levels will help your body function properly and will assist your effort in keeping yourself active and fit. Moreover, all your grain and cereal products should be made from whole grains and not processed ones. Your list can include grain food products like bread, pastas, and cereals. Again these types of foods contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins, apart from fiber, which is usually not considered a main element of modern dieting. Additionally, when you purchase meat remember to select from fish to poultry and avoid eating red meat that often. When you are about to select your beverages try to keep your choices simple. It is much better for your body and mind to drink water, juices and herbal teas, instead of coffee, sodas and sugary concentrated mixes. Finally, remember to choose low-fat dairy products that will not add extra pounds to your waistline and be careful when selecting dressings or any other type of processed ingredient. Refined sugar and heavy oils are always well hidden in their substances. Keep it simple and keep it healthy.

Finally, keep in mind that the list you will create and the apple you will eat before entering the grocery store you usually visit to refill your food supplies will help you control your figure and your monthly budget.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and Blog8329
Lonni Blog21074

Making Your Podcast Standout

Podcasts are relatively inexpensive to create, as a result, and the quality in published podcasts is extremely diverse. Corporate podcasts can be very polished audio productions while hobbyist experimenting with podcasts may have dogs barking and children's screaming in the background.

After all it is the content that matters right? Well no, not exactly remember when black and white televisions could "kind of" tune into stations it was just a hazy effect. How many continued to watch the grainy or flipping screen. Rarely was the show so riveting did it hold the interest of the viewer. Unless of course the content was forbidden to young eyes (as in the playboy channel).

Sound Quality Matters

Having a decent quality microphone is critical to ensure that the audio recording is a quality recording. Filter out extraneous noises, or select a recording area that will not be Interrupted. Use recording software that will allow you to edit out audio snippets that are subpar.

If you generally record in the same location a fixed mic is generally better. If you do field recording you will want to consider a cordless microphone.

Intro and Extro (Outro)

Using music to introduce and end the podcast adds polish to the overall show. You can licensee rights to podsafe music that will allow you to use music in a royalty free capacity. If your show is popular you might find that the music is linked to your show, as part of your brand, so you will want to choose it carefully. There are a number of podsafe music directories where podcasters can purchase music that is royalty free, meaning there would not be any recurring charges when using the music in a podcast.

Theme Music

As with intro and outros, theme music can add a level of professional to a podcast. It is illegal to use copyrighted music in your podcast unless you own the copyright or license it through the proper channels. Consider visiting one of the podsafe music directories to locate music that is reflective of your show.


It is not enough to record the audio for a show. Polished podcasts are produced using audio editing software. The editing software allows podcasters the ability to filter unwanted noises and edit any dead air or parts of the show you dislike.

Catchy Relevant Name

Keep in mind that many listeners will find your podcast through a web page or search engine. Your podcasts title should be catchy and related to the podcasts content. The podcasts title should contain a slogan that conveys the general theme of the show.

Add iTunes Tags

The Apple iTunes Music Store has a huge audience. Podcasters can tap the iPod audience by adding the appropriate iTunes tags to their podcast. There are software applications that will walk you through the process of adding iTunes to podcast feeds. After adding the tags simply submit your podcast for inclusion in the iTunes Music Store. The listing should appear within a few weeks.


Podcasts are now a dime a dozen. In order to truly stand out the show needs a unique angle, a unique view, an interesting perspective, something different from all the other podcasts out there.

Logo / Image

Add an image to your podcast feed, the extra step will add a bit of polish to your show. Many podcatchers or RSS readers will display the image beside the podcast listing. The visual effect will make your podcast jump out of the list.

Understand Demographic

Who are Your Listeners? Understanding your audience will allow you to cater to them. Know the demographics of your target audience. A well-defined target audience will also help you find show sponsors or advertisers.

SEO for Podcasts

Optimize your podcast shows summary for search engines. Be sure to include keywords or related resources in the podcast feed. This will allow search engines to spider the text for words that relate to your podcast.

Transcript or Show Notes

Many podcasters neglect to include a show transcript, podcasters should consider including detailed show notes or a transcript of the show in the description of the podcast feed. If you display the feed this will increase the likelihood that those interested will find your show in the search engines and podcast directories.

Podcast Length

The show should only be as long as necessary, without being a rambling. Most listeners will have a limited amount of time to listen to podcasts, as a result they will be selective about what they listen to.

Keep it Regular

Create a recording schedule and stick to it, if you don't have time to do it properly then skip a show, your listeners will appreciate that you did not waste their time.

Podcasts are becoming more and more commonplace, distinguish your podcast by polishing it and properly publicizing it.

Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for RecordForAll audio recording and editing software.Lesya Blog56421
Fred Blog7129

Find Your Futures Trading Blood Type

Perhaps the greatest luxury I have in this business is the ability to observe the experiences of many traders with different personalities, life schedules and risk capital, each trading in a variety of markets। What most astute brokers realize is that, over time, as some individuals prematurely exit winners while others desperately cling to losers, it becomes quite possible to match different "blood types" of those traders with their correct "trading diets." Clearly, we're not talking the medical blood type here, but in the figurative sense it makes the right point. With practice, it's not too hard to determine blood types (type of trading best suited to the individual) based on the personality of the trader, and then prescribe a diet based on that individual trader's capital, experience, risk profile and schedule.

Discovering Your Blood Type and Trading Diet

Just like a diet, where there is no right plan for everyone, in trading there is no single plan for all traders. Before deciding whether to "cut out the carbs," "add more fiber," or simply avoid certain markets, do some self-assessment, starting with personality. For example, are you hesitant or impulsive? Patient or short-tempered? Identify strengths and weaknesses, and then let someone close to you help pinpoint those personality pros and cons. Have a tough skin; it's for your own good.

To further understand your personality, keep a trading journal to help zone in on specific traits and how they affect your trading. Remember, understanding your personality is one thing; understanding it when you're trading is another. While patience with children is good, patience with a losing trade is not. A journal enables traders to review winning and losing trades and identify factors that aided in success or contributed to failure. After reviewing inner traits, don't forget to review the outer onesyour schedule and risk capital. Think long and hard about how much you have available in terms of time and risk capital when it comes to trading, and don't delude yourself. In addition, look at how you are using your time and risk capital. Go over the market(s) you are trading, the style of trading and time frames you are using. Is this market, this style and this time frame suitable to your risk capital and personal schedule? Are they suitable to your personality?

Doing some self-assessment is absolutely essential to determining what type of trading diet you should be on, as the examples later will make clear. But first let's define the trading blood types and their respective diets.

Blood Types and Trading Diets

No A-positive or universal donor types are necessary here. Instead, for our purposes, let's classify types by using NT, PT, DT and ST.

NT. Is trading suitable for you at all? That is the question. Trading require a desire to take risks and, of course, the ability to afford to take them. These simple suitability questions must be firmly answered in the affirmative before anyone can consider taking the plunge. Those who have little desire for risk, have little risk capital to spare (and completely disposable income at that) and little time to devote to this very challenging exploit are classified as blood type NT (No Trading). The right diet is no trading at all. No carbs, no cals, no fiber, no fat. Nada.

PT. Those who are either gun-shy or trigger happy would be classified as blood type PT (Position Trading). With what kind of regime, you ask? Clearly this type requires a rule-based diet. To develop those rules first and foremost means doing some homework after market hours. Once these rules are in place, test any possible trade idea against those guidelines because each trade must pass this test before Mr. or Ms. PT enters the trade. This is the time to plan a trade from start to finish, visualizing a few different scenarios with a possible action plan. It may also be the time to employ the assistance of a full-service broker. His or her job should be to help implement the rules that will keep the trigger-happy trader from going nuts or help the trader with a fear of pulling the trigger to take the right kinds of actions.

DT. Some traders simply cannot take any positions home with them. It hurts the quality of their "after-trading-hours life" and makes them uncomfortable. Most of them also are impatient by nature and tend to over trade. They feel a need to be in the market at all times because they are scared of missing a good trade and scared of losing too much. This blood type is classified as DT (Day Trading).

Patience, discipline and strategy are the main diet ingredients for this group, but certainly not exclusive to it. Setting daily loss limits is a must, and a daily trading journal will help them quite a bit. The correct training cycle for successful day trading involves education, planning, routine, survival and getting to the point where a trader finds the set ups with which he is both most comfortable and can produce high success rates. A note here: More often than not, the biggest obstacle DTs face is the patience for such a set up; they feel they are not working if they are not trading, because they are day traders. This is one mentally crippling thought they must get over to survive. Being a day trader does not mean that the individual must be in the market with frequency only that he must be flat at the end of the session so as not to take his position(s) home with him.

ST. Then there are traders who try to go with the flow of the market and take small to medium bites out of market ranges or, perhaps, trade ranging markets between different support and resistance levels. Many will do it well for a period of time until they are almost married to it and get stuck with a loser. Let's classify this group as blood type ST (Swing Trading).

The biggest problem most swing traders have is the ability to take losses. Too many traders even those who generally are good, consistent traders fail by carrying one big loser one too many times. Is this stubbornness, the inability to admit making a wrong move(s), simply a case of hoping instead of trading? Those who have walked in these shoes know who they are and should be ready for the ST diet placing stops and understanding that even the best of traders have more losers than winners. The math is very simple. Because many markets will trade sideways, there are times when both longs and shorts will come out losers. Some trades simply don't work. The bottom line is that the total of a person's winning trades should outnumber losing trades.

How Two Traders Changed Their Diets

The following two examples, which combine traits of various clients with whom I've worked over the years, point out some of the considerations of which traders must be mindful as they try to figure out what trading diet is most appropriate. The names have been changed to protect both the "innocent" and the "guilty."

Example #1. Karen was one of my first clients. A smart and outgoing woman, she worked in the human resources department for a large company. During her first two years, she had some winning trades but, overall, her account was down.

Karen juggled a busy schedule everyday. She had numerous meetings and often traveled, yet she insisted on day trading stock index futures. I tried to direct her into a different approach, but she resisted.

My advice did not sink in until she hit a period during which all of her trades were going against her, and she was facing a margin call. When I spoke with Karen, her normally self-assured demeanor had changed. She was scared. She was no longer looking forward to the next trading day. After losing most of her money, Karen struggled to make a trading decision. The once confident, outgoing and independent trader was now grasping for outside advice from a variety of newsletters and other resources. She was desperate.

On the morning after a long holiday weekend, Karen called me and with a steady, confident voice, placed orders to get herself out of all of her positions. Over the weekend, she had read a book or two and had some conversations with her husband. It's hard to determine which of these produced the "epiphany," but she now wanted to try a different approach one of a longer-term nature (PT). After careful reflection, Karen recognized that she was at times impulsive, stubborn and simply not realistic (not good for a DT).

Even though she clearly could not devote the time necessary to be a day trader with her current work schedule and mentality, she realized that her routine and dedication must change completely no matter what the trading time frame. She was now dedicating 30 minutes during the day and/or evening to go over the markets. She adjusted her trading size to fit a longer-term approach but, most importantly, she had a plan, and that plan fit her schedule. She no longer had to make decisions in the heat of the moment. She started looking for longer-term trends that did not require hour-to-hour decision making.

Doing some self-assessment is absolutely essential to determining what type of trading diet you should be on, as the examples later will make clear. But first let's define the trading blood types and their respective diets.

Karen finally understood how to successfully incorporate trading into her life while having another demanding career. Her account has grown over the last two years through the changes she implemented in her routine, behavior and trading style.

Example #2. John started trading about four years ago. He seemed an agreeable enough person, but very business-like with no time for chit-chat. He wanted to trade online from the start because he had plenty of stock trading experience. John lived on the West Coast and was a real estate agent who did pretty well in the dot com bull market trading stocks until the market met its maker. Confident, willing to learn and fairly disciplined, he was trading with $25,000 of pure risk capital, adequate for a first-time futures trader.

Days went by and every morning as I was going over my clients' daily statements, I noticed that John was trading coffee. Not only was he trading coffee, but he was sometimes day trading coffee. I let him know that I would be pleased to talk with him about various markets if he wanted. He would call once in a while checking on fills and asking about different reports.

A few weeks down the road, John called and mentioned he would be in the L.A. area and would like to meet for lunch. During lunch, he mentioned his frustration over recent losses when trading futures. At this point, his account was down to about $14,000 over a six-month period. I asked him why he was attempting to day trade coffee, and he said his brother-in-law was a coffee importer/exporter, and he thought that it would help him. The coffee market was open from 6:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. PST, which perfectly suited his work schedule, but as I found out later, not his personality.

I asked him to start writing a trading journal, which allowed him to look back objectively and find patterns in behavior that both helped him and hindered him. John's journal revealed that he was frustrated with the slow fills of the open-outcry coffee market, and so he was quick to get out of winning trades and too slow getting out of his losers. He was trigger happy and at times traded larger positions than he should have.

I suggested that we change his "trading diet" around a bit and introduced him to the U.S. Treasury bond and the E-Mini stock index futures; both trade electronically and provide instant fills. These markets were perfect both for his schedule and personality.

I felt that these were good markets for both day trading and swing trading and recommended a few concepts in money management and trade management. The first was the maximum daily loss that he should set and place in a visible way as a reminder. The second was the setting of a daily profit target. Though it was somewhat hard to implement, if he could walk away when he was down to his maximum daily loss or when he reached his daily profit target, he would last much longer as a trader. It also would give him a better chance of succeeding down the road in other words, smaller steps down that longer road.

John is still down in his account, but he is making progress. Here are a few tips that have helped him: Instead of buying and selling five contracts at a time and "starting and finishing" the trade this way, he now gets into his trades in multiples of three. In the past, John simply would buy five contracts when he thought he needed to go long and sell five when he felt he needed to take profits or cut his losses.

When John gets into a trade these days (let's say in a long position), he will buy six contracts and place a stop loss on all six. Initially, he looks for a small profit on the first two contracts. (It helps him mentally to know "I took a profit on this trade.") He then raises his stop loss and changes it to a four lot. He looks for a second profit target for two more contracts based on his support and resistance levels. If that profit level is reached, he can get "greedy" with the last two contracts. In essence, he now knows how to manage his trades in a way that increases his profitability. And, further, and perhaps as importantly (based on his personality), he does not feel like he is missing out on big moves if they happen, and he still locks in small profits when they present themselves by using the first and second targets.

Be Realistic

Succeeding in futures trading takes hard work and time, and new traders need to be realistic and introspective right from the start. This is no time to devote anything but risk capital. Beginners should start small, allowing periodic checks to learn from mistakes, and from successes.

Just like anything else in life, from diet and exercise to business and career choice, one size does not fit all. Before anyone can succeed in trading, he or she must spend time doing homework, as well as ascertain personal strengths and weaknesses, schedule, risk capital and trading experience/ knowledge. Only with those in place, can traders choose the trading diet that will work for their blood type.

Ilan Levy-Mayer is currently a senior commodity broker and the Vice President of Cannon Trading Company. Cannon is among many introducing brokerage firms and is considered a leader in providing futures trading, forex trading, and option trading services since 1988. Ilan helped pioneer online trading for today's industry that allows traders from all across the world to partake in. Irlande Blog35137
Letti Blog98699

Handcrafting and E-commerceIt is an Odd Juxtaposition

The evolution of the handcrafting world and its migration to on-line marketing may sound like a strange juxtaposition, but in fact, e-Commerce has become a significant contributing factor to the sustainability of the craft industry in the US. I should know; my business wouldn't be here today if I had not made that transition myself. If you are in the craft business and have not created an on-line presence, please read on.

I began working with wood in the mid-80's. A vision of making outrageously beautiful pieces that would that would touch people's hearts and remind them of their interior lives began to take hold in my mind. While I was successful in attaining my goal of having my boxes sold in the very best galleries in the country, I found that despite hard work, long hours, and outstanding product, it was difficult to make ends meet and to justify the amount of personal and financial investment.

In 1999 the World Wide Web, as it was called then, was just beginning to be taken seriously as a marketing tool. I began to imagine what it might be like to sell directly to the customer instead of through galleries. While it concerned me to give up the security of the standing orders each show generated, the business to business marketing model and accompanying margins simply were not sustainable. I decided to create a web site and my wife and I worked together to design, write copy and create product photographs. It felt a bit like being an explorer in the New World: not a lot of maps and no one in my situation from which to ask for advice. But the business case for the site was compelling--selling my products directly to customers at twice their wholesale price made the margins a lot more workable. The site went live that fall and I spent most of the Christmas season on the phone selling product--my site delivered solid financial results. And the rest is history.

This story might be yours as well. As a crafter, you know the attention to detail you take in creating your products. That same dedication can be put forth into building your presence on-line. Creating a solid on-line presence is similar to the effort that goes into each piece. Each detail cant be overlooked. Here are some things that have helped me along the way.

Hire a good photographer. This is crucial to any web site, especially if you only sell on-line.

In the beginning you'll want to hire a good webmaster, but eventually, if possible, you should learn how to maintain your site yourself. You'll save yourself money and gain a better understanding of the business.

Investigate generating sales through Pay-Per-Click campaigns such as with Google AdWords and Yahoo's Overture.

When you're on-line, much of the personal element is lost. To make up for lacking a "store front" where you can interface directly with your clientele, put as much of yourself and personal style into your web site as possible. This includes indicating that you, the handcrafter, are available by telephone or e-mail to support any questions.

Making the transition to selling handcrafted pieces on-line may not be for everyone. Its a competitive market out there today, but there are many tools available. You have the passion and desire to create beautiful crafts. Why not take the initiative to ensure that your work is available to as many customers as possible? Its worth consideration.

Russell Pool has been perfecting the art of quality wooden box creation for over two decades. Each piece he creates reflects his passion for quality and his love for the spiritual qualities of balance, beauty, and getting things naturally right. To learn more about his work, visit Blog44889
Charles Blog37045

Home Improvement (Season 2) DVD Review

Nominated for 9 Golden Globes and 34 Emmys, including 2 for Outstanding Comedy Series, Home Improvement was the number one family-friendly comedy for most of the 1990's decade. Created by three writers who worked on wide range of sitcoms, such as The Cosby Show (1984) and Roseanne (1988), Home Improvement is one of a number of 1990's smash hit sitcoms built around a lead character who stars as a stand-up comic in real life. Some of the other series include Seinfeld (1990), The Drew Carey Show (1995), Everybody Loves Raymond (1996), and King Of Queens (1998) among others. One of the trailblazers in this area, Home Improvement ranked in the Top 10 among Nielsen-rated shows for seven of its eight seasons (it ranked #11 in Season 7). One notable tidbit of trivia is that Sears was approached to sponsor the show which would've put Craftsman tools in the hands of Tim "The Toolman" Taylor (as opposed to the fictional "Binford" brand), but Sears rejected the offer because they feared Tim Allen's prior conviction on a drug charge might be interpreted as unfriendly to families (funny, since Home Improvement later fell under the moniker of the Walt Disney Company)

Home Improvement centers around the life of Tim Taylor (Tim Allen), a home improvement expert who hosts his own local TV show "Tool Time" on cable access. Tim and his wife Jill (Patricia Richardson) live in a house in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan with their three boys Brad (Zachery Ty Bryan), Randy (Jonathan Taylor Thomas), and Mark (Taran Noah Smith). On "Tool Time," Tim is flanked by the flannel-clad, easy-going Al Borland (Richard Karn) who is often the butt of Tim's jokes and harbors a neurotic tendency toward perfectionism. At home, Tim's numerous domestic missteps lead him to continuously seek the advice of his well-traveled, near-perfect neighbor Wilson (Earl Hindman), whose lower face is never seen (only his eyes) Marked by Tim's abundant clumsiness as a home improvement guru and his inept ability to display sensitivity toward his wife, Home Improvement is a classic sitcom that relies on formulaic episodes of slapstick humor and zinging one-liners. It's a formula that works, but grows tiresome as the show progresses

The Home Improvement (Season 2) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere "Read My Hips" in which Jill plans a romantic evening at home for herself and Tim, but Tim throws a wrench in her plans when he spends the evening hanging out at a bar with Al and the guys from A&B Construction. When he finally returns home, Jill is upset, fearing that the romance has left their relationship. Meanwhile, Brad ponders the true meaning of Jennifer's physical assaults. Does she really want to kiss him? Other notable episodes from Season 2 include "Where There's a Will, There's a Way" in which Jill finds out that Tim never put the finishing touches on his legal will, and "Shooting Three to Make Tutu" in which Jill insists that Tim take Mark to the ballet despite the fact that he has front-row tickets to the Pistons game

Below is a list of episodes included on the Home Improvement (Season 2) DVD:

Episode 25 (Read My Hips) Air Date: 09-16-1992
Episode 26 (Rites and Wrongs of Passage) Air Date: 09-23-1992
Episode 27 (Overactive Glance) Air Date: 09-30-1992
Episode 28 (Groin Pulls) Air Date: 10-07-1992
Episode 29 (Heavy Meddle) Air Date: 10-14-1992
Episode 30 (The Haunting of Taylor House) Air Date: 10-28-1992
Episode 31 (Roomie for Improvement) Air Date: 11-04-1992
Episode 32 (May the Best Man Win) Air Date: 11-11-1992
Episode 33 (Where There's a Will, There's a Way) Air Date: 11-18-1992
Episode 34 (Let's Did Lunch) Air Date: 11-25-1992
Episode 35 (Abandoned Family) Air Date: 12-02-1992
Episode 36 (I'm Scheming of a White Christmas) Air Date: 12-16-1992
Episode 37 (Bell Bottom Blues) Air Date: 01-06-1993
Episode 38 (Howard's End) Air Date: 01-13-1993
Episode 39 (Love is a Many Splintered Thing) Air Date: 01-20-1993
Episode 40 (Dances with Tools) Air Date: 02-03-1993
Episode 41 (You're Driving Me Crazy, You're Driving Me Nuts) Air Date: 02-10-1993
Episode 42 (Bye Bye Birdie) Air Date: 02-17-1993
Episode 43 (Karate or Not, Here I Come) Air Date: 02-24-1993
Episode 44 (Shooting Three to Make Tutu) Air Date: 03-03-1993
Episode 45 (Much Ado About Nana) Air Date: 03-17-1993
Episode 46 (Ex Marks the Spot) Air Date: 04-14-1993
Episode 47 (To Build or Not to Build) Air Date: 05-05-1993
Episode 48 (Birth of a Hot Rod) Air Date: 05-12-1993
Episode 49 (The Great Race) Air Date: 05-19-1993

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog80867
Croix Blog33700

My Least Favorite Diamond Shapes for Engagement Rings

Marquis engagement rings are oval shaped diamonds which have both ends pointed. Marquis diamonds have 56 facets and are twice as long in length as their width. The 2 to 1, length to width ratio is considered ideal and something to think about when shopping for a marquis, as it will effect the sparkliness of the diamond. A good cut is important cut is also important in that it helps prevent the dreaded "bow tie" effect, whereby the center of the diamond is darker and has reduced brilliance. While the Marquis diamond is by no means my favorite shape, it boasts a number of cool properties:

1) It has a cool story behind it: The shape of the stone was said to be designed for Louis XIV of France who wanted a diamond fashioned after the Marquise de Pompadour's smile.

2) The marquis diamond is considered one of the most flattering for the hand as it makes the finger look more slender

3) The stone may look bigger than it actually is. The marquis diamond not only has a large surface area but the elongated lines can make the carat size look larger than what you plunked down money for.

Yes, I'm a pear-hater. Perhaps I've been influenced by some of my friends who also don't like the pear. I remember one time when an acquaintance of mine got engaged. My friend, who was closer to this person, forwarded me a picture of her pear diamond with a disparaging caption about the ring shape. All cattiness aside, everyone has different views on what looks good, so don't let my taste unduly influence you.

The pear shaped diamond is considered to be a round brilliant diamond at one end and a marquise shape at the other. It is sometimes referred to as a tear drop due to its rounded side and pointed edge. A length-to-width ratio between 1.45 and 1.75 is typically considered most desirable for the pear. Just so you know, the pear-shaped diamond is less sparkly than the round brilliant, and loses more brilliance, if poorly proportioned. One thing in particular to avoid when shopping for a pear shape is the dreaded bow tie effect: a dark area in the middle of the diamond which looks just like a black bow tie. It is hard to avoid the bow tie effect completely with the pear. One nice thing about the pear is that it tends to make one's fingers look slimmer.

I hope I'm not offending anyone by saying that I think heart shaped engagement rings are ugly. I used to wear rings with hearts on them in middle school, thus I connect heart shaped rings to a typically horrifying period in most anyone's life. Plus, the symbolism of a heart shaped engagement ring lacks creativity. We already know you're in love, if your wearing an engagement ring. At this point, your woman's not only got your heart, but your savings account, freedom, and body, mind, and soul. You're whipped. No need to let the world know this with a big, cheesy heart. Don't get me wrong...there are plenty of heart-shaped diamond admirers. Some would say that the heart shape is the most romantic of all the diamonds. In fact, Joan Collins received a heart shaped engagement ring from her husband.

Hearts can either be wide or long. They are most similar to the pear shaped diamond but have a cleft at the top. When looking to purchase a heart, make sure the top arches are symmetrical in appearance. Assymmetrical hearts will look more like pears. When looking at other women's ring fingers, you won't see too many hearts. Hearts are less typically found in an engagement ring setting and more commonly seen in earrings or pendants. I will say one good thing about heart shapes: that they cost around 20%-25% less than round diamonds.

Julie Shields recently got married and sports a beautiful ascher cut diamond ring. She and her husband put together the website: to help you find the perfect engagement ring.Larry Blog36928
Lazare Blog78789

Glossary Of Terms (A-C) - CCTV

Alternating Current

Electronic system used to allow, restrict and track the movement of people through entry/exit points in a site. This is achieved through the use of electronic individual codes, keys or cards etc, to release a locking mechanism.

A feature built into some multiplexers, which is used to detect movement within a cameras field of view that is then used to improve camera recording update rate.

An electronic circuit that is used to boost the video signal in a camera in low light conditions. Use of this feature will usually give a noisy or grainy picture. When comparing camera specifications always use data with AGC off.

A facility which allows the use of external alarm equipment such as PIRs, magnetic contacts etc to be connected to CCTV equipment so that when the alarm is activated the CCTV equipment will automatically carry out a pre programmed function such as switching to record a given camera.

A feature of an Auto Iris lens used to adjust the between peak and average voltage which will emphasise detail in bright areas (peak), or shadows (average).

Complex mathematical formulae or rules used to solve complex problems in CCTV they are used to achieve digital compression of a video picture.

Also known as Moir patterning. This is an effect that occurs when an analogue signal is sampled digitally at a sampling frequency less than twice the signal frequency. The effect can be minimised by a technique known as optical low-pass filtering.

A signal in which the level is represented by a directly proportional voltage. In video the cameras scene is represented by varying the voltage in the video signal where the voltage is directly proportional to the light level.

DC power source with a longer life than a standard battery. Cannot be recharged.

Expression of the strength of a video signal at a given point. Measured in Volts.

Represents the area of a scene (maximum horizontal and vertical angle) that can be seen through a lens. Measured in degrees.

The light gathering part of a lens. The size of the aperture is controlled by the Iris. Aperture size is expressed as an f number. The lower the f number the greater the amount of light gathered by the lens.

The ratio between the width and height of a video picture. The standard Aspect Ratio for CCTV Monitors, NTSC and PAL systems is 4:3.

A type of lens, which has a non-spherical shape. It is harder and more expensive to manufacture, but it offers certain advantages over a normal spherical lens.

The decrease in magnitude of a signal, as it travels through a medium. Used to describe signal loss in a transmission system. Measured in decibels (dB).

A device used to detect sound. In CCTV system it can be interfaced with a switcher to switch on a nominated camera when the detector is activated.

System used in colour cameras to detect and automatically correct errors in the amplitude of colour signals.

An automatic method of varying the size of a lens aperture to allow the correct amount of light to fall on the imaging device. The lens Includes a tiny motor and amplifier, which are used to maintain a one-volt Peak to peak video signal.

A feature of a pan and tilt head or dome, which allows the camera to pan continually between two preset points.

Represents the average light level of a picture and is used to open or the iris in an Auto Iris lens.

A fine mechanical adjustment in a camera that is used to adjust the imaging device relative to the lens to ensure that it is at the exact focal point for the lens fitted. This adjustment is especially important when fitting a zoom lens.

An effect noticed in Pan and Tilt units, whereby the unit does not come to a smooth stop at the end of the pan movement. This is usually caused by play in the mechanical components of the unit or by attempting to bring the unit to an instant stop.

This is a video signal that has been converted to enable it to be transmitted along twisted pair cables. Usually used where the signal has to be transmitted over long distances, which would produce unacceptably high losses in Coaxial cable.

The frequency range required to carry an electronic signal without attenuation or loss.

A distortion in a monitor due to non uniform scanning which causes the image to appear to bulge outward like a barrel.

Data transfer rate, named after Maurice Emile Baud, Equal to 1bit per second.

Acronym formed from "binary digit". The basic unit of information in a computer or digital system Either 1 or 0.

Part of the video signal, just above the sync level corresponding to 0.3v This is where black parts of an image are electronically represents.

A black pulse added to a monitor signal during the fly back period to make the return trace video signal invisible on the screen.

Standard connector used to connect coaxial cables to CCTV equipment or each other.

Term for a multi-input sequential video switcher, which includes a sequencing output and spot output.

Term for the intensity of illumination of a reproduced video picture.

Control, which increases or decreases the illumination of phosphors on a monitor screen to vary the brightness.

A group of textile or metallic filaments inter-woven to form a tubular structure, which may be applied over one or more wires, or flattened to form a strap.

A group of eight bits.

High quality, high-resolution camera used by the professional broadcast industry.

Computer Aided Design. Method of producing complex designs using computer based software programs.

High frequency signals are attenuated when transmitted through cables. A Cable Compensated Amplifier boosts the high frequency signals depending on the cable distance. This ensures the minimum video loss.

The central part of the cable, which actually carries the video, power and control signals. This can be constructed as a single conductor, or from wire strands.

The outer protective coating, which covers the Cable Core.

Commitee Consultatif International des Radiocommunique. European standardisation body that has set the standards for television signals in Europe. 625 lines, 25 frames per second.

Closed Circuit Television. Television system intended to be viewed by restricted personnel and with a dedicated purpose. Pictures from a CCTV system are not intended to be broadcast for general viewing.

Closed Circuit Video Equipment. Alternative term for CCTV.

Colour Filter Array. Optical pixel filters used in single chip colour CCD cameras, to produce the colour components of a video signal.

The term for the separation of signals when multiplexed at different frequencies for transmission down a single cable.

Optical term, which refers to the distortion of an image as a result of a scattered focal point caused by a defect in a lens. A combination of lens can be used to correct this effect.

The part of the video signal that contains the colour information. In composite video The chrominance signal is multiplexed at a higher frequency than the signal and transmitted down the same cable. In S-VHS this signal is transmitted along a separate cable.

The outer part of a fibre optics cable. The cladding is less dense than the central core, and acts as an optical barrier to prevent the transmitted signal from leaking away from the core.

Standard lens mounting with a 17.526mm back flange (distance between the lens mount and the focal point). Normally used on 2/3 and 1 cameras and lenses.

Term for cable in which two or more conductors share the same axis. Normally consists of a single inner core and an outer shield. This is the standard cable used to carry video signals in CCTV installations, because it does not produce and is not influenced by external fields.

A filter that is placed in front of a colour CCD chip to break up the light into the basic colours (Red, Green, and Blue) The individual colours are then directed at different pixels on the chip.

Device used to synchronise cameras by generating a synchronising pulse that is sent to all cameras connected to it.

The complete video signal, comprising both the video and sync information.

Type of lens in which the light rays passing through it are made to diverge by the inward curve of the glass surface.

Plastic or metallic pipe, which is used to conceal and protect cables and wiring.

The difference in intensity between the darkest and the brightest parts of an image.

The control on a monitor used to change the contrast by varying the amplitude of the video signal.

Type of lens in which the light rays passing through it are made to converge by the outward curve of the glass surface.

Type of CCTV camera, which is concealed to allow video recordings to be made without the knowledge of the subjects.

Central Processing Unit. The heart of a computer or computer based device.

Term used to describe the process of joining a cable to a connector without screwing or soldering. Requires a special crimping tool to ensure a proper connection.

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (see Oscilloscope).

Noise generated by the interference between adjacent video, audio or data signals in a multiplexed signal.

Standard lens mounting with a 12.5mm back flange (the distance between the lens mount and the focal point) Normally used on modern , 1/3, and cameras and lenses.

Instrom Limited is an independent security consultancy set-up in 1998 to provide a range of impartial security consultancy services to commerce, industry and the public sector. Blog2309
Jessica Blog42627